Saturday, March 17, 2007

My latest work...

I am lovin' this new design and plan on making a whole fun bunch of them! They'll all be a little different but the same basic style. The orange one has a stamped "hand" in brown, then mixed with shades of orange cat's eye beads and silver tone beads. I then added chocolate brown suede cord. It has a very bohemian feel but it's really very elegant as well. Oh, happy :) The other one is in tones of gray and black with an Asian feel to it. Love it as well. More to come soon...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Finally Friday

I haven't posted in awhile as I've been really working at getting my new indie designer feature blog, Indie Diner, off to a roaring start. It's going great so far and I'm getting fantastic feedback. It's funny how it came about, really...I was laying in bed one night not being able to sleep for all of the ideas swirling through my I was hungry and then the words came to me..Indie Diner. I loved it and couldn't wait to get started, which of course, led to more restlessness! Take a peek when you have a moment and let me know what you think... Indie Diner.

On other notes, more ideas for pendants and charms have been working their way into my head too. I sent for a very cool mold of angel wings. I've made one pendant so far with it and I just love how it came out. Now it's just a matter of getting better pics of my pendants. My mom just bought a new camera, a really nice one, so I may have to borrow it. Scanners just don't capture the dimension and texture of some of my items.

My press release went out back in February for my new braille collection. Gosh, I just realized I never even talked about them here! Well, that will have to wait until another day as my beef stew is calling my name and I must attend to dinner preparations :) Hugs to all who even bother to read my blog ;-)